During this hike we start with a comfortable stretch through the woods in the vicinity of San Mamés, to next via a steep climb through a firebreak get above 2,000 metres at the Lomo Gordo. From the Lomo Gordo to Reajo Alto, a summit of 2,100 metres, we almost walk horizontally over the ridge. The descent from the Alto Reajo runs via steep firebreaks and on the last leg on the way back the orientation is somewhat tricky.
- From where we parked the car (1) we follow the road a bit further up. At the T -junction (2) we keep left. At about 1,400 metres, a path goes straight on (3), but we further follow the dirt road in the bend to the right further up.
- At about 1,500 metres in a bend we arrive at a path that goes straight on (4). However, we stay here on the dirt road to the left further up.
- We keep following this dirt road until we arrive at another road at a T-junction at about 1,650 metres (5). Here we turn right further up. This path we follow for a while until a bend where the path turns right and begins to descend (6). We go left onto the firebreak that is clearly visible here.
- Through this firebreak we quickly climb to about 1,770 metres, and we arrive at another firebreak (7), where we turn left. At about 1,820 metres we cross a wide path (8), where we go straight on and stay on the firebreak. This firebreak we follow all the time until we reach the ridge at about 2,070 metres.
- Here we turn left and follow the trail over the ridge of the mountain and we pass the post of the Lomo Gordo (10).
- We continue this path over the crest of the mountain some time. At one point we see on our left the post of Reajo Alto. We go off the path slightly to the left and follow a wide strip (11). When we are really close to the Reajo Alto (12) we go a bit left through the open field and walk towards the post of the Reajo Alto (12).
- From Reajo Alto we walk in the direction southwest (right relative to the direction from which we came). As a target we take the crest with a path that we see in front of us. We walk through the open field without trail to the crest, and when we reach the path (14) we turn left.
- We follow this path and at a small wall (15) we turn left. Further on, at a junction of firebreaks (16 ) we keep left again. Through this firebreak we descend a lot, the last stretch steeply which brings us to a wide path (17). This we cross and now without trail we go in the same direction through the trees further down, which takes us to another wide path (18) where we turn left.
- Pretty fast we turn right, onto a wide path (19). To the left of the path the area is surrounded by a fence. Go to the left off the path at an angle of ninety degrees and run parallel to the fence (20). Follow this direction until you see a big pile of stones after about 10-15 minutes (21). Go to the left here.
- At the next pile of stones maintain the direction to the right through the woods down until you reach a sort of path where you keep left. This way we arrive at the stream Arroyo del Chorro 22). Find a place to cross it and continue the route on the other side of it to the right. We now climb a bit up the slope and move away again from the stream.
- This way we eventually find a trail marked with milestones, which we follow. At the junction (23) we go left and through this path we finally reach the dirt road on which we already walked on the way out (3). We turn right and follow this dirt road back to the car (1).